Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just found Christine Valters Paintner's work. . .

She's an artist/writer with a gracious, attractive manner of presenting monasticism using only an awareness of the boundaries of the heart. At least that's how I'm understanding her right now. I've listed her blog below at Abbey of the Arts.

My focus has often been limited by adherence to dogmas, doctrine and a moral code that always seemed to escape my grasp. I guess it worked for the people who wrote it but it was never a mirror in which I could see much that was positive or healthy about my own life.

Much of this journey into solitude has been the careful, conscious setting aside of what never worked for me. I maintain respect for all religious practice but realize that a simple way of compassionate awareness, kindred community and profound silence is as much as I can manage most days.

May we worship and live in spirit and truth.


  1. This is such a simple but beautiful post, it feels as if it evolved from a deeply inspired place, because it in itself is Inspiring, as we read it---like watching a butterfly in a field of wildflowers. Thank you.

  2. Hi David, I don't see a listing or a link to her blog..?

  3. I highly recommend Christine Valters Paintner's book, entitled "Water, Wind, Earth & Fire. The Christian Practice of Praying with the Elements." It quenches one's deep thirst for peace and transparency of the soul.
    Her website is

    Nicolas Crespo
